Financial management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities of the enterprise.
How do you calculate a return?
- Accounting = Actual data
- Finance = Forecasting
Sock fund Bond fund
Systematic risk
Cannot be diversify. Economy, inflation, interest rates, etc..
Un systematic risk (non systematic)
RYou can diversify. Risk factors affect a limited number of assets. Includes labor strikes, part shortages.
Total risk
- systematic
- unsystematic
Total risk = systematic risk + nonsystematic risk Beta = systematic risk
Compare security returns vs return on market. Slide
Slope = Beta = How much does your security responds to the market. alpha = the better the manager in terms of producing return
Microsoft has a huge treasury department.
Single factor pricing model
Expected return on a security (extremely important)
Forecasting the return on the stick
Capital Asset Pricing Model
CAPM (7 start) Expected return on an individual security:
Ri = Rf + Bi x (Rm - Rf)
Rf = Risk free rate, like treasury bond. B of the secuirty Market risk premium (Rm - Rf)
Treasury bill backed by the government.
Rm = market return , s&p 500 for the last 80 years… ~ 9% Rf = Risk free rate
This is equal to risk premium
Microsoft Beta ~ 1.0
This means that this stock moves with the market.
Beta is the measure of systematic risk. You cannot get rid of this risk
A beta of 2 means the stock is more volatile.
Less than 1 means its less risky that is less
Vangard is known for index.
How do you value a stock.
Problem #1 in homework.
Stock, present value, of the future cash flows. FCF = Future Cash Flows Div = Divident
All dividends divided by
Constant growth model
p0 = Div1 / (R-g) <--- for homework 1
- p0 = current price
- Dev1 = next years dividend (either given, or calculated)
- R =
- g = growth rate of the company
Slide 7
Risk free rate, can be a ten year treasure bond. If not given we can use treasure bond.
Ri = 8.27 %
Bonds and bond valuation
Coupon Face value Junk bond Most bonds pay twice a year. Issue maturity WAC PVC
The weighted Average - Cost of capital
Measure of the risk of the bond.
When company has equity
Equity is common stock Debt is bond
Computing Yield to maturity.
- N number of periods
- PV present value, bond price
- PMT payment, cupon payment for bond
- FV face value
Market efficiency
Foundations of market efficiency
- Investor rationality
- Independence of events
- Arbitrage
You and I are rational.
Shorting the stock: Borring money to buy stock. Betting the stock will go down. Consider cost of borrowing (sometimes 15%).
Types of efficiency
- Weak form: Technical analysis is useless.
- Semistrong form: Fundamental analysis. Fundamental research. Srubbing the income statements, public information, data, yahoo finance, conference call. High-frequency traders. People that use computers to trade the markets.
- Strong form: Security prices reflect all information- public and private.
Martha Stewart insider trading ?
Blackout period/window. Close to earning report.
10b51 program. If you are on a board, you can sell automatically.
The behavioral challenge
Loss aversion bias
Loss aversion risk
Risk premium is high, you want to hold on your investments. I’m not going to sell it, im going to keep it until i make my money back.
Efficient meaning you cannot beat the market on a consistent basis.
Capital structure
How much cash does Apple have right ? 130 billion dollars in cash.
Capitalization of the company Value (V) = Bond (B) + Stock (S)
Financial leverage, EPS, AND ROE
The higher ROE the better. Debt can increase your ROE.
MM Proposition I (No taxes)
Vl = Vu
Leverage, unleavered
MM Proposition II (No taxes)
Rs = R0 + (B/S) (R0 - RB)
MM proposition I & II (with taxes)
VL = Vu + Tc * B
Unleavered equity means
Total Cash flow to investors
Cap structure
- Employees, pension plan
- Suplliers, vendors
- Senior debt holders
- Junior
- Preferred
- Common stock holders
Efficient Market Hypothesis and why Delaware?
HP purchased Aruba (27 a share). Verition small hedge fund managers.
HP buys Aruba for $3b. Judge says that the company is only 17 per share. Verition displeased they want to use discounted cash flow ($33). This went to supreme court.
Dell and DFC globad had to pay up in other deals.
Veritions View point
Fundamental value vs informational value.
Series A === early early investors
Angel Investor vs Angel Investor Super Angels
Supersvisory Stress Test
Sensitivity Analysis of Liquidity Risk for Banks
European Central Bank. Supervisor for a large … eurpean … help rebuild trust in the eurpoean baking sector and increase the resilience of banks.
Euroizone debt crisis exposed instability and high liquidity risk.
Multiple IPOS at the same time: signaling
Digital Realty Trust Case
Real estate …
V_l = V + Tc * B
Modeling, how much is worth, I … assumnptions …
Segregate cashflos from current and expected new leases. Segregate… calculate discount rate for the different … Because of the risk, the current leases are lower discount rate. Future leases calculate future lesase.
Figure out the cashflows of these leases … for question 2.
EBIT = Earning Before Interest and Taxes…
- Depreciation (non cash) +/- net working capital ————————————- Operating cashflows
Net working capital = Accounts Receivable + Sales Equipment Revenue + Prepaid Expenses - Accounts Payable - Deferred Service Revenue - Accrued Liabilities Balance Sheet = Current Assets - Current Liabilities
Use last year to determine terminal value, because the model is for 5 years… Use formula in chpater 6, slide 7.
Laste year is year 5…
Discount BEFI cashflow discount rate discount for 5 years….
discount rate == WAC ????
Green Thumb Industries
- 100+ years of entrepreneurial expertise
- Commitment to safety and quality
- 11 manufacturing facilities
- 71 retail locations
Jeff Bezos worked in wall street.
Junk bond, also known as a high yield or speculative bond. Is a d debt security issued by companies or governments.
Earning before interest, Taxes, Depreciation and amortization.
Net Income
- Interest expense
- Taxes
Community adjusted EBITDA
What is BitCoin. Staoshi Nakamoto.
IPO vs Share Buyback.
Insider activities.
Insider transactions
Yahoo finance, there is a “holders” -> “Insider transactions”.
Net Working Capital