My personal leadership principles
The values that form the basis for authentic leaderhip are derived from your beliefs and convictions, but you will not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure.[1]
Leadership principles are values translated into action. Having a solid base of values and testing them under fire enables you to develop the principles you will use in leading. For example, a value such as “concern for others” might be translated into a leadership principle such as “create a work environment where people are respected for their contributionbs, provied job security, and allowed to fulfill their potential”.
Building Your Support Team
Leaders cannot succeed on their own; Withou strong relationships to provide perspective, it is very easy to lose your way. It starts with habing at least one person in you r life with whom you can be completely yourself, warts and all, and still be accepted unconditionally.
Embrace discomfort.
Managing up
Always considering what my manager cares for. Do I work for a bigger cause, or do I work for him/her?
I can be very pushy and demanding. Especially with my own managers.
The idea: Treat your managers as your customers.
Everything you do, do it with kindness. If you say yes, do it with kindness, when you say no, do it with kindness.
I can be very pushy and demanding. Especially with my managers.
Managing up
Always considering what my manager cares for. Do I work for a bigger cause, or do I work for him/her?
It’s been difficult for me to stop considering alternatives and something definitive
It’s been difficult for me to take it easy and be more flexible
My habit of being “Stand-offish” has annoyed people I have tended to be moody and self-absorbed I have been too uncompromising and demanding with others. I’ve created problems with others by being bossy and controlling When I’ve debated with friends, I’ve tended to press my arguments forcefully. I have gotten into trouble with people by being too intrusive and interfering.
Clarity and shared understanding
- Navigating ambiguity.
- Times of distress. When people want to help but its hard because there it hard to get organized. Exacerbated by the stress.
Luck is opporunity meating preparation.
Personality and Identity
Dogmatic vs Pragmatic
Understand my privilege. See how i feel about various social identity dimensions.
I don’t know what it’s like to be you and you don’t know what it’s like to be me.
"There is not a day that goes by where I am not reminded that I am Black"
We cannot choose to have a privilege, we can choose to share it.
Remove obstacles & provide resources.
Be someone that is prepared.
- Livinstgon Gaviota
- Writing culture
- Ask and write documentation before answering?
[1] Discovering your authentic leaderhip. Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, Diana Mayer.